Design & Technology
What we believe:
At Hayton C of E Primary School, we are committed to providing children with an enriching, relevant and purposeful DT curriculum which fully prepares pupils for their future life and career beyond school. In a rapidly changing world, technology must be embraced; we seek to ensure children are collaborative and adaptive learners who can solve real life problems through drawing upon their varied skillset. We believe that DT inspires children to think independently, innovatively and develop creative, procedural and technical understanding.
What do we do?
Here at Hayton, we employ a variety of teaching and learning styles in DT lessons to ensure children develop their knowledge, skillset and understanding. In our DT delivery, we fully embrace our curriculum compass drivers.These are carefully considered when planning and delivering DT learning opportunities to ensure learning is purposeful, relevant and engaging to children at Hayton. Children can embrace various skills in DT through exploring different media (textiles, food and woodwork) and solving real-life problems using these. Furthermore, children can investigate, explore and develop their own ideas as well as evaluating, revisiting and improving it. This process is vital in allowing them to achieve success as future innovators. Furthermore, through the evaluation of past and present design, children can gain a better understanding of the influence of different products and how they have shaped the world around them. Similarly, children are provided with opportunities to learn how key designers and inventors have enabled change both locally and to the wider world. Through equipping children with this knowledge, they can use it to solve their own real-world problems through designing their own products and solutions. Through a problem-solving approach, children can embed their learning from English, mathematics, computing and science in a purposeful context; this ensures they are able to make firm connections and can apply and reinforce skills they have learnt across the Hayton curriculum. Moreover, we strive to ensure children can investigate, explore and develop ideas as well as evaluate, revisit and improve their work. This is achieved through a combination of whole class teaching, individual/group activities as well as specialist weeks. We strive to provide opportunities for children to flourish with days and projects dedicated to DT. Likewise, children are encouraged to evaluate their own ideas and methods, as well as evaluate the work of others, including designers and engineers; this provides children with a platform to share their voice through valuing their opinions. Additionally, children are provided with opportunities to work both individually and in collaboration with others giving them a real sense of varied project work and allowing them to reflect on how they solve problems best.
How do we know if we have had an impact?
Children leave Hayton C of E Primary School as enthused problem solvers who can adapt to new challenges through using their varied skillset which has been refined in DT lessons. Our DT curriculum offers children with a variety of hands-on experiences and the opportunity to apply cross-curricular skills in projects which are meaningful to them and their lives. This enables children to leave Hayton as 'fully-fledged designers' who have the confidence to make mistakes and learn from them within the process.
The class teacher will continually carry out formative assessments in DT lessons (through questioning, observations, discussions, evidence in books) which will be evidenced in workbooks. Alongside additional ongoing assessment, children will be encouraged to use self and peer assessments in DT lessons.