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Safeguarding is Everybody’s Responsibility

Safeguarding is the process of protecting children from abuse or neglect. Preventing impairment of their health and development. Ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully.  

All those working at Hayton Primary School will contribute to the safeguarding and protection of the welfare of a child in need by: 

  • protecting children from maltreatment 
  • preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development 
  • ensuring children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care 
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. 

Safeguarding is a very high priority at Hayton Primary School. We demonstrate this ethos by ensuring that all our staff and governors receive annual training from Educare in Safeguarding at Level 1. 

The Designated Lead (DSL) and the Designated Deputies (DDSL) for Safeguarding at our school also have undertaken training up to Level 3 standard through either Safe Haven Consulting or Kym Allen Health & Safety. 

Operation Encompass -Supporting Children Exposed to Domestic Abuse

Operation Encompass

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Hayton C of E Primary School participates in Operation Encompass. This means that any Domestic Abuse incidents that occur at home and are logged with the police, school will be informed of within 24 hours.  This information will be given to the school's safeguarding team only (DSL- Sarah Threlkeld-Brown or DDSLs- Judith Horn or Catherine Owens in DSL's absence).  The information allows school to keep their duty of care to the child in school at a level they may need after a domestic abuse encounter. For example: child may be tired, not eaten well, not dressed correctly in school uniform etc due to the home incident. 


Any individual who has, or is likely to have unsupervised access to children will require an Enhanced Disclosure For regulated Activity.

Further details on this are available on our 'Vacancies' section on our website or by contacting the school on 01228 670491or by email to or can be found on the DBS website

Members of staff will have this check paid for by the school.  A suitable check must have been carried out and the certificate seen before a member of staff can start working in school.

Students may have their DBS arranged by their education provider and if it is, this must be in place before they begin their placement in our school. A copy of the document must be seen in school before the start date and the education provider must sign a document to state that they will inform Hayton School of any ‘Additional Information’ that they receive regarding a student.  Hayton School has the right to withdraw the offer of a placement in the event of receiving applicable adverse information.

Volunteers may need a DBS check arranged for by Hayton School. There is no cost for the actual check as this is free for volunteers, but the company that we use to undertake this check charges an administration fee. The cost of this must be met by the volunteer. Volunteers cannot start volunteering until the check has been successfully completed and the certificate received.


In Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 there is a section regarding how schools keep children safe online through their filtering & monitoring procedures. 

All staff receive training on understanding their roles and responsibilities for this. Filtering & monitoring is recorded within our Child Protection policy and we have appropriate systems on our school devices and network, this includes fulfilling the cyber security standards. 

Hayton C of E Primary School's internet traffic is filtered through the additional IP address supplied by ‘RM PLC (RM Safety Net) which scans the traffic and removes access to unsuitable sites. This stops the majority of searches for inappropriate media and also stops access to media sites such as Facebook, What's App. At Hayton,  we do not allow pupils to access unfiltered machines. The proxy setting remains 'ON' at all times. 

The Safeguarding team checks systems regularly and records what has been checked. Staff should always do a pre-search of a site before letting pupils access it. 

Appropriate Filtering For Education Settings

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Should you have a concern, or wish to talk about something relating to safeguarding, then please contact our safeguarding team:

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL)

Designated Governor for Safeguarding

The single contact number for Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership should you have any concerns (day or night) is: 0333 240 1727